The application of 3D printing in the consumer field

Innovate quickly and deeply, shorten design time, and provide products with excellent quality

Innovation revolution to promote future product consumption market

The application of 3D printing in the consumer goods industry include: mobile phones, electronic products, household consumer electronics, household tools, etc. Mainly focus on product appearance and structure design and development. The product life cycle of the consumer electronics industry is very short, and it is characterized by rapid upgrading and replacement, which requires continuous development and capital investment.

Reduce development costs

The advantages of 3D printing are just reflected in small batch production and the ability to produce complex new products in a short period of time. Relying on the superiority of 3D printing, it can greatly reduce the difficulty of new product development, shorten the design and development time, and reduce the production cost, which is of great practical significance to the consumer goods industry.

In the early stage of product appearance design, the product designer clearly puts forward the design concept and transforms it into a physical model, which is suitable for further design solutions and improvements. Then the following development and design operation process mainly includes various tests, and clearly puts forward various requirements for the processing technology requirements and characteristics of the model. The key to the competitive advantage of 3D printing lies in its ability to meet the requirements of important links in various design schemes. Compared with the time-consuming and labor-intensive traditional injection molding process, the application of 3D printing in model making and concept testing has become a development trend.

Changed people’s production and processing life

At present, the existence of electronic consumer products such as computers and mobile phones not only promotes new production methods to promote their existence, but also has a corresponding impact on traditional electronic production and processing methods. At a time when new modern information technology and China’s real economy are gradually being integrated, 3D printing is gradually being applied to the entire production and processing process of the consumer electronics market, and is promoting a new round of industrial transformation and upgrading in the entire manufacturing industry.

The application advantages of 3D printing in the consumer electronics industry mainly include the following two points

1) Improve the design level
Solid model manufacturing revolves around each stage of product development, and the complex solid model in the traditional mode directly affects the difficulty and cost of production. The current 3D printing equipment technology can realize the production of various complex design models, give product designers more freedom, and greatly enhance the technical level of design products.

2)Save material and time costs
Traditional model production usually adopts the method of casting and injection molding. According to the complexity of the model, the production cycle is between one week and two months. The more complex the mock-up, the more expensive it is to manufacture.However, there is no difference in the cost of printing a complex solid model and a simple solid model by a 3D printer, the only difference is the data file. The average utilization rate of 3D printing materials is much higher than that of traditional technologies.

In addition to raw material costs, time costs are also critical for companies in the consumer goods market. Under the traditional outsourcing model, the average delivery cycle of the model is about one week. Due to cost considerations, the physical model usually needs to wait until the design is perfect enough to start manufacturing, and the corresponding internal processes and the delivery time of the physical model consume double the time.