High Toughness Resin for SLA 3D Printers

High toughness resin are polymer with a high resistance to breaking or cracking under stress. They are typically used in applications where the material needs to be able to withstand impact or mechanical stress without failing.
High toughness SLA resins are commonly used in the manufacturing industry for creating strong and durable parts and components. These resins are ideal for applications that require high impact resistance and resistance to mechanical stress.
They are commonly used in the production of automotive parts, medical devices, and consumer goods. In the medical field, high toughness SLA resins are often used for creating custom prosthetics and surgical implants that need to withstand high levels of force and stress. In the automotive industry, these resins are used for creating functional prototypes, tooling, and final parts for vehicles. In consumer goods, high toughness SLA resins are used for creating durable and long-lasiting products such as a phone cases and other consumer electronics accessories.


Smooth and delicate
Low cost high Efficient
High precision
High flexibility
Impact resistance


Prototype wearable device
Ergonomic parts
Automobile tire
Covering mold

Material Specifications

Resin modelSUPERMAKER YE03
Resin colorYELLOW
Viscosity248~328 @ 26 °C
Critical Exposure8.1 ~ 9.1
Tensile modulus2,701 – 2,865
(MPa) Tensile Strength49-61
Elongation at break10-15%
(J/m)Impactstrength, notced lzod30-38
Heat deflection temperature67~78

SuperMaker WH08

1. High resistance to impacts and fractures, ensuring durability and longevity of the printed parts.
2. Improved dimensional stability, resulting in more accurate and precise prints.
3. Increased strength and flexibility, allowing for the creation of complex and intricate design.